Extract what's authentic in your data

Our work consists of eliminating everything that is not authentic (ablatio) so that the precious figure (nobilis forma) can then emerge, making our customer know what is authentic in their data.

Which are our specialties?

We believe that our customers have the capacity to extract better business results through the real knowledge of their data.


An external look rich in previous experiences can provide insights that are difficult to perceive internally.

Data engineering and Infrastructure

We build the data infrastructure in the way that best suits your company's needs.

Data Analytics

From authentic data, it becomes possible to identify what happened and why and to draw up strategies for what is likely to happen and what decisions to take.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

We apply specialized knowledge in the development of artificial intelligence projects.

Let us help you!
Data governance

We implement solutions based on the DAMA framework for efficient data management.


We train your team based on face-to-face training and we also offer online courses, in addition to professional consultancy.

What do our customers have to say?

Here are some feedbacks that we received from our customers.

Victor Baldi
Carlos Reyes

Contact us

Feel free to contact us, whether you have any questions about us, your project, working with us, etc.